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Mad Poster
#51 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 5:10 PM
Mrs. A. Crumplebottom and her cat, Mr. Tibbles, have retreated as far as they could and still get the newspaper, groceries, and ice delivered and the trash picked up. University Depot is an old-fashioned wannabe community, platted near Land Grant University in hope that graduates will develop the area. Mrs. C hopes they will not, as the last thing she needs is a bunch of Young Modern People hanging about, playing their loud music and flaunting their depraved knees. She has her own well and septic system (indoor plumbing being the only modern innovation she truly embraces), a landline for calling her bookie, enough wine to last her a week or so, her old treadle sewing machine, oil-burning lamps, a wood stove, and a nice thorny hedge to deter intruders. She and Mr. Tibbles expect to be very happy together.

Further details in captions when you click on the thumbnails.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#52 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 6:39 PM
Peni Griffin, such calm and beautiful pink hideaway will pleasured for the old matron

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
Mad Poster
#53 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 6:53 PM
Default Crumplebottom Cottage
Game: TS2
Lot: 20x20 (And it's all mine, so keep your dirty feet on the sidewalk and out of my garden if you know what's good for you!)
Price: $50,000 EXACTLY (That harlot Dina Caliente isn't getting a single dime from me, no matter what that lawyer of hers says!)
No Custom Content (I mean, really! Kids these days, with their newfangled contraptions for everything under the sun... back in my day, we worked with what we had, and were grateful for it!)

Upon learning that Dina Caliente, that up-jumped hussy, had the gall to file suit against such an upstanding figure of the community as herself, for simply trying to maintain some standards of public decency, Mrs. Crumplebottom decided to spite her, and spent her entire $50,000 savings on her new cottage, down to the last red cent. "If that strumpet wants to come after me, I'll have her in court for years, and even if some incompetent judge awards her a settlement, all she'll get is dried flowers and books of knitting patterns! Ha!"

While at first she had thought about moving to a secluded house deep in the countryside, Mrs. Crumplebottom realized that she needed to stay closer to the city, so that she could get to her podiatrist and her liquor store quickly, and so she settled for a small brick-and-clapboard cottage in the suburbs, far from any nightclubs or popular bars. Here, she could enjoy the peace and quiet of being out of the city, tending her flower gardens and feeding the far-better-behaved suburban pigeons ("Those birds in the city are so insolent- not so much as a look when you toss bread crumbs for them!") during the day, and being able to enjoy an early afternoon cup of tea and be in bed by 7:30 without the incessant beats of a nearby dance club rattling the windowpanes and keeping her awake. While social protocol dictated that she keep the small second bedroom as a bedroom for guests ("Inviting someone into my home? What an absurd notion!"), Mrs. Crumplebottom allows Mr. Tibbles the run of the place, so should any guest be fool enough to pay Mrs. Crumplebottom a visit, they'll likely find 'their' bed already occupied by a particularly disagreeable feline, and have to look elsewhere for their accommodations... which is exactly how Mrs. Crumplebottom and Mr. Tibbles want it.

(I'm still debating whether or not I want to upload this lot... it's finished and usable, but I've never uploaded a 'normal' house! What of my reputation for massive, million-dollar constructions!?)

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
Rabid Recoloring Renegade
retired moderator
#54 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 7:55 PM
Default Crumplebottom Cottage TS4
Here's my very rustic, very cheap version of Mrs. Crumplebottom's hidden hideaway, which I call Crumplebottom Cottage. I used the optional challenge situations of limited funds, keeping the cost under 30,000, and there is no Custom Content used (you have no idea how hard that is for me LOL!). I really thought I had made it Base Game compatible, too, but turns out there are a couple decorative items from Seasons, Get Together, and Parenthood. I did not make a room for Mr. Tibbles - don't hate me, I'm actually a cat person

It's really out of the way and surrounded by a beautiful forest when you place it in Brindleton Bay (which would require Cats and Dogs EP).

If you have City Living, you can make use of the lot traits:
Cat Hangout
Creepy Crawlies
Great Soil

FURNISHED: 26,639 - does not include price of land

*I realized afterwards that my post is sort of written like an upload*
Test Subject
#55 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 8:39 PM
Ms Crumplebottom's private abode
Hey, I'm new to this! This is the first house I have made in absolutely forever, sorry I couldn't keep my hands off my cc!
Sorry, I don't have Sims 4 pets so I couldn't add any kitty things!

Game: TS4
Lot Dimensions: 30x20
Lot Value: §49,936

Ahh, everyone's favourite Grandma...

Of course she's arguing with the next door neighbour's android...

Her peaceful abode...

The Tour:

Anyway, I hope I did okay! I put a lot of time and effort in to this, even adding light switches and radiators!
Rubric Wrangler
retired moderator
#56 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 8:48 PM
The Crumpleshack is complete! Came in just under budget at $43,994, including cat room, and using no CC.

You can check it out and download here.

The meadows are in bloom:
who has ever seen such insolence?

Mad Poster
#57 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 8:58 PM
Nothing wrong with showing off your versatility, Zarathustra.
Um, not to be indelicate, but...where does she bathe? I don't see a shower or tub.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#58 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 9:06 PM
I'm going a different direction with this, and it may not meet the specs exactly, but when I think of Mrs. C., I think this. I'll try to include some of the elements suggested, though, and will keep an eye on the price. Some of the designs here are also in the same general direction, though, so it's not that novel.

One thing ... are you folks including sewing machines because it's canon that Mrs. C is a seamstress? Did I miss something here? She definitely knits, though, so it's off to find something to indicate that she does ... one or two other things as well, IF I can find them and they're not a million polys. I am not making a clone of her because I doubt I'll play her character. I'll just say that someone let me in to take a peek. The lot will be play-tested, though.

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Mad Poster
#59 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 9:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Nothing wrong with showing off your versatility, Zarathustra.
Um, not to be indelicate, but...where does she bathe? I don't see a shower or tub.

There's a tub in the downstairs bathroom... remember, when these houses were first being built, indoor plumbing was still a novelty in some areas, and so having a single tub would have been seen as quite enough to be getting on with! (I kind of imagine that the upstairs bathroom would have been a small bedroom at one point, and was only partially converted into a second half-bath by a later owner.

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
Tartan McBadgerface
retired moderator
Original Poster
#60 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 9:27 PM
Wow, today's entries are amazing :O Lots of tacky florals and plaids...I can practically smell the mothballs and cat pee
Mad Poster
#61 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 9:58 PM
Ah! I see it now! I'm so used to half-baths being on the bottom floor. In most old houses, at least in America, the original bathroom is either on the upper floor, or immediately next to the kitchen, so my mind registered the downstairs bathroom as a back porch and apparently filtered out the bath. One bathroom is certainly plenty for a single person; but of course she doesn't want to go downstairs in the night, and hauling a chamberpot every morning would be distasteful in the extreme. If only you could still get good help these days!

Mrs. C's sewing machine isn't canon, but until recently (by Crumplebottom standards) it was rare to find a knitter who didn't also sew, and doing so would prevent the ordeal of shopping for her signature clothing amid the crowds and inadequate staff of the big box stores and malls, not to mention that of using a public changing room. Even if she mail-orders her clothes, it's rare to get clothes from a catalog that don't require alteration to fit properly. So the machine is a natural thing to give her.

I should have given her furniture covered with doilies and dresser scarves, but I don't have much, and that was a little too expensive. Having just moved in, she'll probably be busy making them for awhile.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#62 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 10:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Ah! I see it now! I'm so used to half-baths being on the bottom floor. In most old houses, at least in America, the original bathroom is either on the upper floor, or immediately next to the kitchen, so my mind registered the downstairs bathroom as a back porch and apparently filtered out the bath. One bathroom is certainly plenty for a single person; but of course she doesn't want to go downstairs in the night, and hauling a chamberpot every morning would be distasteful in the extreme. If only you could still get good help these days!

Yeah, which honestly makes more sense, but it didn't fit with the floorplan that worked best... that, and this house (architecturally, anyways) was kind of modeled after a scaled-down reimagining of my grandparent's house, and theirs was a full bath on the first floor, a 3/4 bath in the basement, and a tiny closet of a 1/2 bath in the upstairs.

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
Mad Poster
#63 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 10:22 PM
Peni - KNITTING! I've asked in "where can I find" for that mod; mine seems to be broke (looks like a ball of yard, but Mrs.C refuses to knit).
With apologies to Mrs.C (via Vic-tor) for babbling, and failure to follow directions, I present cooking and fire-poking, and sundry dignified activities (never mind Mr Tibbles, who found a mouse under the front porch and has gone quite mad).

As for the attic, the treadle sewing machine is there, an old dresser with 2 old teddy bears, a rusty bike, and The Secret. She IS MISSES C. but was she ever, really married? And what happened to her intended? Maybe that sad story (and those sour faces of her family by the fire place) tell us something of the unfortunate Mrs. C.
And although I started with a 2X2 lot and the best intentions of building a proper Victorian (one of my favorite styles), I got distracted fiddling with objects and OMSPs, for hour after bloody hour...
For a total cost of $66000.
Well, I just don't CARE...well, Vic-tor's Mrs.C WAS quite terrifying. I'll just have some tea and lavender cookies and pull out my OWN knitting...

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
#64 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 11:34 PM
Simmiller, nice shelter! Mr. Tibbles will probabbly find his place somewhere to the right from bedroom entrance. Ms. C. will like monochrome interior palette. Boring grey look makes me think she don`t like multicolour.

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#65 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 11:34 PM
Looking good guys! I think it's hilarious that so many of you have made the Crump into a hard drinking, cussing smoker!

She's actually a church-lady, 'holier than thou' type with a physical mean streak. I mean that purse bashing deserves assault charges.
Mad Poster
#66 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 11:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by porkypine
Looking good guys! I think it's hilarious that so many of you have made the Crump into a hard drinking, cussing smoker!

She's actually a church-lady, 'holier than thou' type with a physical mean streak. I mean that purse bashing deserves assault charges.

And yet... she's autonomously the first one to the poker table or the bar on any of my community lots! Call her a 'holier-than-thou-hypocrite' if you will.

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
#67 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 11:57 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 21st Feb 2019 at 10:19 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by porkypine
Looking good guys! I think it's hilarious that so many of you have made the Crump into a hard drinking, cussing smoker!

She's actually a church-lady, 'holier than thou' type with a physical mean streak. I mean that purse bashing deserves assault charges.

Much more people made her a granny sewinghands, Porky!

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Well, I just don't CARE...well, Vic-tor's Mrs.C WAS quite terrifying. I'll just have some tea and lavender cookies and pull out my OWN knitting...

That's my own partly. TS1 Crumplebottom was kinda annoying, say usually screaming and her messages were capslocked. I tried to make her character close to this, both with my house and message to burn some creative flame in this thread. But here I see most simmers found her character much calm and charming.

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
Rabid Recoloring Renegade
retired moderator
#68 Old 20th Feb 2019 at 11:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Simmiller, nice shelter! Mr. Tibbles will probabbly find his place somewhere to the right from bedroom entrance. Ms. C. will like monochrome interior palette. Boring grey look makes me think she don`t like multicolour.

LOL! Thanks
Lab Assistant
#69 Old 21st Feb 2019 at 10:56 AM Last edited by Spiderses : 21st Feb 2019 at 11:22 AM. Reason: Added spoiler tags.
Default Crumplebottom Cottage
Here's my attempt at this challenge! The lot can be downloaded from the Gallery under the username Adipup.
Also, sorry if this post is very long. I'm not sure how to resize images on here (if that's even possible).
Edit: I put all the screenshots in spoiler tags to make the post less imposing.

  • Game: The Sims 4
  • Lot size: 20x20
  • Funds: §27,978 (under 30k!)
  • No CC
  • A room for Mr. Tibbles


Floor plan:


#70 Old 21st Feb 2019 at 2:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by st_d
P.S. I think the sewing machine is something like soap, an item she couldn't imagine a proper household without. She'd have gone to school at a time when household activities were part of the normal curriculum, sewing and baking among them. My grandma was like that; even if strength didn't allow her to make her own bedsheets anymore, she wouldn't have dreamt about selling the sewing machine. Ever.

Me, too, this. I have my sewing machines and wouldn't dream of getting rid of them, and I felt she would, too. I also just wanted her to be able to make quilts to warm up the cold black stone used in the witch's cottage.

I love your take on her and the cottage, so sad about the trees.
Mad Poster
#71 Old 21st Feb 2019 at 4:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor

That's my own partly. TS1 Crumplebottom was kinda annoying, say usually screaming and her messages were capslocked. I tried to make her character close to this, both with my house and message to burn some creative flame in this thread. But here I see most simmers found her character much calm and charming.

"Charming"? HARDLY! She's a cantankerous, self-righteous busybody! I suspect she DOES have a drinking and gambling habit, also. I took dramatic liberties by implying that she grew up with nasty women, and had a broken heart.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Lab Assistant
#72 Old 21st Feb 2019 at 4:51 PM
I don't usually enter challenges, but since there is no competition in this one, I thought I'd give it a go, and I had tons of fun! I'm terrible at taking in-game screenshots, I did my best, but, wow, how people manage to take decent pics in tiny rooms is definitely beyond me.

So Mrs. C loves two things in life (apart from pestering young lovers, that is): flowers, and Mr. Tibbles. Hopefully this house combines these two interests. It is set in the middle of nowhere (literally, the lot tag read "Mid-nowhere", I thought that might be fitting). Charming in that shabby, over-cluttered way that only older ladies grow to appreciate, it features an entrance/lobby that doubles as a dining room with a table for two (for when Mr. Tibbles is done with his etiquette lessons and finally grasps how to use a fork) and several china cabinets, a kitchen with crockery and cat food for the next five years, a tiny reading room with a music box (working condition not guaranteed), a toilet, and a small backyard porch to gaze upon the horizon (actually, the rocks and hills, this place is a basin) on the ground floor. Climb the stairs, meet more underappreciated antiques, and find Mrs. C's cosy bedroom, Mr. Tibbles' very own room (though his mistress is known to doze off in his armchair on occasion), and their shared bathroom (even featuring a cat flap for VIP feline access). In the garden, Mrs. C had three large planters installed, in which she plans to grow her own fruits and vegetables - not that she wouldn't rather grow flowers, but her latest down-town antics got her banned from the grocery shop (she broke their window with her brick-purse while trying to hit a couple kissing behind the stalls).

Game: TS4
Lot size: 20x20
Price: 49895 Simoleons (I thought it would be a breeze, but I had a really hard time staying under the 50K bar, all that clutter doesn't come cheap!)
Specifications: 1.5 bathrooms, 1.5 bedrooms (that is, if you consider Mr. Tibbles to be half a Sim, but don't tell Mrs. C I suggested that)

Outside view

Floor Plan


Reading room


Downstairs bathroom


Mrs. C's bedroom

Mr. Tibbles' bedroom

Main bathroom
Smeg Head
#73 Old 21st Feb 2019 at 6:08 PM
She doesn't like anything modern? But there's a whole album of moden-ish music specially made for her and her house you want us to build!

Geez, that album is over two decades old now and I remember loving it. As might have ol' Crumpy. This challenge is a great idea! Great Sims theme of a classic character. Not that I'll take part in this challenge, but I'd certainly include the torment of her dead fiancée - deeply in love and the tragedy a day before they were due to marry was it not? - and the failed music career she was hungrily chasing in her youth. Gotta have some pitiful-looking, abandoned music room in the home. And plenty of mouldy picture frames displaying pictures of the last thing she ever loved; her dead fiancée. But no CC? Surely just one piece, for that all-important, weapon of mass destruction handbag of infamy. Looking forward to the creations folks come up with for this. I always had a soft spot for old Crumpy. I feel her pain. Wallop! There, see! She just hit me with a handbag again. Pain. Feeling it. Good luck with your Houses of Handbags. Looking forward to seeing the creations.

"Become a government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!" Red Dwarf - Back to Reality.

Find all my TS4 mods and lots here: Main Website - simsasylum.com My Section - coolspear's Mods & Lots
Test Subject
#74 Old 21st Feb 2019 at 6:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simmiller
Here's my very rustic, very cheap version of Mrs. Crumplebottom's hidden hideaway, which I call Crumplebottom Cottage. I used the optional challenge situations of limited funds, keeping the cost under 30,000, and there is no Custom Content used (you have no idea how hard that is for me LOL!). I really thought I had made it Base Game compatible, too, but turns out there are a couple decorative items from Seasons, Get Together, and Parenthood. I did not make a room for Mr. Tibbles - don't hate me, I'm actually a cat person

It's really out of the way and surrounded by a beautiful forest when you place it in Brindleton Bay (which would require Cats and Dogs EP).

If you have City Living, you can make use of the lot traits:
Cat Hangout
Creepy Crawlies
Great Soil

FURNISHED: 26,639 - does not include price of land

*I realized afterwards that my post is sort of written like an upload*

Wonderful! You did a really good job. I am using the same lot since it is out of the way and surrounded by trees. I am using that same floral wall paper as well in the living room. The lot is basically finished, but I still need to do the screen shots and write my story. I created Mrs Crumplebottom and Mr. Tibbles as well to play test and I think they turned out pretty well. Anyway...good job on your version!
#75 Old 21st Feb 2019 at 7:14 PM
Oh! I didn't know there is such codes here! Coolspear1, of cource Ms. Crumplebottom sometimes shakes the groove! But only when nobody's kissing nearby))

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
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