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Created by The French Sim




Parents: Oztal and Wegla Neebtadrizk

Sister: Sg'glu Neebtadrizk

Husband: Orflad Neebtadrizk

Daughter: Earth Neebtadrizk


Shrop - ex-boyfriend


Ymn'ixxu's distinctive feature is normally her trademark outfit, a trendy red shiny and spiky suit from Xk'krylg'hnreblv. After losing her mind, she starts wearing a clergywoman dress and walking around with a staff that looks like a giant fork with a sandwich on it. Her forehead is also tattooed with the symbol of a sandwich.
It is known that her skin is tattooed with the Krylgian symbol of sanity too, on an unspecified spot.


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Skills and personality

See also

Downloading the character

Appears in