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#1 Old 26th Dec 2012 at 11:18 AM
Default ts3 to ts2 hairconversion problem
I never did hair conversions before, but i never saw this
hair released for ts2 and wanted to do it myself. Well i am so far
that i made it show up... in bodyshop but now i have problems :c

It gives me background bleed on the alpha parts that overlap the mesh itself.
and the 'inside' of the hair looks very black to me.

I have 3 groups, a normal hair group, then i have the hair
and the other group is the hair pointed with the vertexes out for the inside.

does somebody know how to fix this? or got any suggestions on tutorials i should try?
Already thanx for considering :3
#2 Old 26th Dec 2012 at 1:34 PM
did you fix the opacity under the meshgroup comments?
Mad Poster
#3 Old 26th Dec 2012 at 7:32 PM
Make sure the opacity in your mesh group comments is correct for each group. You want the opacity numbers to go up as you move "out". For example, opacity for the head would be -1... then for the first layer of hair it could be 0... and then for the outermost layer of hair it could be 1.

Also, make sure you've got the TMXT settings correct in SimPE. Check them against an existing hair recolour that you know displays properly.
#4 Old 27th Dec 2012 at 12:08 AM
Or in SimPE you can open the hair file (not the mesh) and use Build DXT and import a png file of the original hair..
Save the DDS file as PNG first

Then do a recolour in Body Shop and paste in the alpha and the textures as normal.

I had the same problem and this is how I fixed it
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