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Mad Poster
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#1 Old 28th Aug 2010 at 9:31 PM Last edited by fakepeeps7 : 29th Aug 2010 at 12:29 AM.
Default Accessory recolouring problem
This is a project that I attempted last year, but gave up on because I couldn't get it to work. I thought I'd give it another try now that I have more experience. I still can't get it to work, and I don't know what the problem is.

There are some hidden mittens that came with Seasons. I'm trying to turn them into an accessory. I was surprised that nobody had done so before, but now I'm thinking that maybe it just isn't possible...

I've got the mesh working fine. It links to all ages (well, child through elder, anyway), and I've got it set so that it only shows up with Outerwear. The problem comes in with the recolours. No matter what I try, the mittens will only display in blue:

The thing is, there are 10 different colours in the Seasons files. I've tried using Build DXT to import the textures. I've tried deleting the textures and using the repository method. Nothing works. All I end up with are 10 pairs of blue mittens. (The picture above was actually taken with the pink mitten texture. Yeah... that doesn't look like pink to me, either.)

What am I missing? There's something in those files that's making the mittens display as blue... but I have no idea what it is.

Can anyone help me?

EDIT: Okay, I think I found what was overriding the colour. In the mesh file, changing the name of the Material Definition File in the Shape resource changed the colour of my mittens.

Now, short of making ten separate meshes, how do I recolour these silly mittens?

EDIT... AGAIN: Now I remember why I gave up on these stupid things. If it's not one thing, it's another. I remade the mesh from scratch and linked everything again. Now all the mittens will display with custom colours. But...

What the heck is this? I tried using the fix for the Pets transparency/overlapping problem explained here, but it didn't do anything. Is this a problem with the mesh or the recolour?


EDIT... YET AGAIN: Well, that problem is solved. But I don't think this project is going to be viable. The hands poke through the mittens when the Sim moves. Short of reassigning every finger bone, I can't see a way around the problem. It just doesn't seem worth it.
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
retired moderator
#2 Old 29th Aug 2010 at 3:38 AM
Thanks for reminding me why I dropped this project so long ago as well. You having any luck with the earmuffs either?
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 29th Aug 2010 at 9:20 PM
No... I didn't even think of attempting the earmuffs. The idea of trying to make them work with all different hair types... *shudder*
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