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#1 Old 25th Nov 2008 at 1:27 AM
Default Middle eastern/Arabian/Harem/whatever clothing
I'm doing a bit of movie making, and I'm planning to do a project with a Middle Eastern theme... so uh, where can I download Middle Eastern/Arabian/Harem type clothing for all age groups? I looked everywhere but I can't seem to find anything
#2 Old 25th Nov 2008 at 1:33 AM
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#4 Old 25th Nov 2008 at 1:41 AM
Sunshine Sims did a Bollywood theme
#5 Old 25th Nov 2008 at 11:25 PM
I'm doing one, too, and am having trouble finding veils... I know Beine has one, but the site is down.

Tarox has some outfits, and a TON of furniture. There's a harem set, and also some old greco roman stuff that works.

Pico's Multiwear has an Arabian theme. Also, the white nightshirts for men on Besen's Historical can be converted to everyday wear in bodyshop, and really look like those white robes arab men wear.

Moonsims has a lot of Moroccan furniture

parsimonious.org has stuff under the arab theme and also under the Indian theme.

At modthesims2.com, look up the words harem, Arabic, Arab, Moroccan, Persia, Persian and Indian. All gave stuff.

rosesims2.net has a couple of harem outfits.
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