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#1 Old 5th Mar 2023 at 7:22 PM
Default I’m a Complete First Time Creating A World Noob
Hello Everyone,

I’ve been working on a world now off and on for a year. My goal is to one day share it.
I have learned a lot from the forums here when I’ve been stuck, most the time it directs me to MTS and the solution is already here, thank you!

My world is quite small with not much cc in it but my issue is because I started so long ago, I honestly can’t remember what objects are in it from stuff packs I have. I did use all Ep’s.. I’m aware that I will have to go through and figure this out.

I didn’t keep track of all the textures either. So I’m worried that I might not be able to share this world when I’m done with lack of information.

I have much to do before it’s complete. I plan on populating it as well.

I’m looking for advice, please and thank you for taking the time here..
Mad Poster
#2 Old 7th Mar 2023 at 1:11 AM
I should not say this here, but this is a reason that I probably will never try to upload a world here. It is just too complicated vs one click and it is on the exchange. Custard can show some things but I know is not accurate from some tests I have done in worlds I am doing.

Let's see some photos!
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#3 Old 12th Apr 2023 at 1:28 PM Last edited by elSim : 12th Apr 2023 at 2:05 PM.
hmmm, can I just say how grateful I am to the people who did upload their worlds, imperfections and all? :-) I could see a noob who had just started playing a recently-released game to be upset when items are missing but... we are all grownups here who are playing a very old game, and the expectations are different.

I'm a returning player who misplaced all their disks --but I wouldn't have bothered buying the Collection Bundle on steam if I couldn't find a nice world for all my stuff. Anyway, you are totally allowed to do what you want of course but... is there really an expectation that everything in a world will be perfect? I mean, it takes so long to make one, or even to "just" revise one, I have literally never heard of any world being perfect.

The world I downloaded, is currently missing bridges!! LOL That's my fault and it's fine, seriously. I have all the packs, expansions, store sets and worlds etc. I'm guessing most people do at this point? But, because I AM a returning player (haven't played since 2013), I wanted to go a little slow, to get to know each expansion a little bit, before dumping them all in my game at once. Right now I only have World Adventures and Ambitions in my game, will add the others over time. Came back today to see if it was mentioned anywhere which pack the bridges came from. But if not, I don't care, they will show up eventually and in the meantime I will probably play Twinbrooks or maybe something else.

Anyway, hope you have a great day, and happy simming!

[edited to add] okay now I am gonna cry. The creator of that world used a custom recolor for the bridges and of course the file is no longer available. All that work, just wasted. Not sure I am smart enough to figure out CAW.... hmmmm.
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