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#1 Old 30th Jul 2021 at 9:11 PM
Default Teen conversion waist gap
Hello everyone,

I´m trying to convert an adult top for teens, but I can´t fix this gap at the waist. I´ve tried different things in the past three hours (extract nude top from TSRW, fixing with Wes H plugins), but nothing seems to work. I just can´t create cropped tops for teens
Maybe someone knows what I did wrong or what I could try to do next, becaue I´ve run out of ideas..
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#2 Old 15th Aug 2021 at 3:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by DieNina
Hello everyone,

I´m trying to convert an adult top for teens, but I can´t fix this gap at the waist. I´ve tried different things in the past three hours (extract nude top from TSRW, fixing with Wes H plugins), but nothing seems to work. I just can´t create cropped tops for teens
Maybe someone knows what I did wrong or what I could try to do next, becaue I´ve run out of ideas..


Usually, it's because the waistline isn't connected correctly yet (Go to 4:09 in the video)

Now the video above shows how it's done on the neck, but the practise has to be done on the waistline as well. Hopefully that should fix it!
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#3 Old 19th Aug 2021 at 8:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei

Usually, it's because the waistline isn't connected correctly yet (Go to 4:09 in the video)

Now the video above shows how it's done on the neck, but the practise has to be done on the waistline as well. Hopefully that should fix it!

Hey Lyralei!
Thank you for your answer
That is one of the things I tried (even with the TSRW references which you shared on your tumblr) but I still get this gap. This doesn´t happen with young adults/adults or elder bodys, only with the teens body which is confusing. I haven´t found a solution so far..
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#4 Old 21st Aug 2021 at 9:04 PM Last edited by thornowl : 22nd Aug 2021 at 5:51 PM.
idk exactly what things you've tried so far, so excuse me if my method is something you've already done. you can try fixing that with blender's snapping tool and meshtoolkit. it's.. technically the same as what lyralei does in her video, but who knows, sims 3 cc works in mysterious ways

open your mesh and a base teen body in blender, hide the bottom half of the body if there is one. turn on snapping and switch it to nearest vertex mode, then select one of the problem vertices and move it to the closest vertex on the original ea mesh. repeat for all of them. i suggest doing that even if they look like they're already at the exact same position. after you're done, run it through meshtoolkit's seam fixer

let me know if this works or if you need more detailed instructions. personally, i've never done adult to teen conversions, so idk if there's more vertices in an adult waist loop or something. i have, however, converted clothes between genders, and this method always worked despite the original geometry being much different

edit: i tried making a teen conversion by exporting an .obj, editing it to match the seams, then running it through mtk, but it looks like seam fixer is a bit broken and doesn't work with toddlers, elders and female teens. well, at least this method should work for male teen conversions
however, this did fix the gap, it's just that shading is messed up at the seams. ig you can leave it be if it doesn't bother you too much, otherwise try fixing it manually again like in the video above
mind that you need to use a teen mesh as a reference in milkshape; the only reason i can think of why it wouldn't work is if you used an adult mesh
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#5 Old 4th Sep 2021 at 9:52 PM Last edited by DieNina : 6th Sep 2021 at 9:03 PM.
Good News! I finally found the fix or more like I finally found what caused this issue.
Everytime I convert clothes for female teens I add a maternity morph with the MeshToolKit. I noticed that the reference I used for the morph was slightly off and not like the actual female teen body. I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner.
I managed to find a new reference mesh with maternity morph which works great. There is still a small seam, but it´s almost not noticable.

Thank you for your helpful comments! ♥
#6 Old 20th Jan 2022 at 2:42 PM
I am having the same issue but with an elder top but nothing I have tried has resolved the issue.
- I have done the steps to align the seams like you do for necks in milkshape (per the video above).
- It was suggested that after assign bones with mesh toolkit, I clear the bottom line of vertices and re-assign bones on just those vertices, which I tried with multiple different meshes as references (ones that do not have the gap issue) as well as the nude bottom mesh.
- I have manually gone into blender and "snapped" the vertices of my mesh to align with the vertices of a reference mesh - I have used both the top and bottom meshes to check this.
- I have imported a GEOM reference mesh into blender and imported a GEOM version of my mesh and did a data transfer modifier on just that line of vertices.

As thornowl mentioned, the meshtoolkit auto seam fixer (which fixed the issue on the AF version) doesn't work with elder meshes.

I don't know what else to try.

Duh and/or Hello!
#7 Old 21st Jan 2022 at 4:28 PM
Okay... I was able to completely fix my gapping issue by using the older v1.3 of meshtoolkit vice the newer 1.4.8. The older version does work with TF/EF meshes whereas the newer one doesn't.

Duh and/or Hello!
#8 Old 15th Feb 2022 at 3:44 PM
Teen, adult and elder meshes are all different, but use the same basic UV alignments. Because the meshes are different, mixing meshes creates those visible seams at neck, waist and ankles. Manually snapping to a reference, as @k2m1too said, will work. Also taking the end row of faces from a donor mesh, and then blending the next row of vertices, then smooth out the transitioning rows.

That the older Tool Kit works for teen and elder is great news for me, as I have been doing other things for basic seam fix for those age groups.

I found that if making for teen or elder, you must use teen or elder as reference for bones and morphs, as again, adult meshes have different vertices start points, and will have different end points than teen and elder. Also, bone weights are a bit different, especially around the boobs!
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