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#1 Old 20th Oct 2005 at 4:34 AM
Default Clothing help
Alright.. I'm trying to make some changes to a NL dress but I'm having some problems. I'm using the new SimPE, MilkShape.. I can get the dress to show up if I import it thru SimPE, but the head isn't on right and the arms are straight out. Can't use the MeshTool because it just crashes if I try to load the outfit. Obviously due to the version of SimPE I'm using. Anyone know how solve the first problem by any chance? I really don't wanna downgrade my SimPE..

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#2 Old 22nd Oct 2005 at 8:20 PM
It probably is the version of SimPE or a bug (do u have the patch). I dont know for sure but that is my guess.
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