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#101 Old 16th Jun 2011 at 3:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Julieryc
That's not what I was implying, or what I meant to imply. I don't believe that discrimination against skinny people is any better than discrimination against fat people (which is why I pointed out that the "real women have curves" campaign is misguided and needs tolerance.)

My remark stemmed from seeing the "disagree" button pressed on Segagrey's post (at the time, there was a single disagree, instead of being split 50/50.) That combined with Sega's comment about "I don't expect anyone here to understand" made me post that I didn't believe Sega would gain much sympathy for his/her post, and that the reason is that s/he is a relatively privileged person compared to the larger-sized people who post here. I certainly didn't intend to blame Sega for being skinny; as you stated, blaming anyone for being white/straight/male/thin/other factors not under a person's control is blatantly ridiculous.

Then I must have misunderstood you and I apologize for the confusion.
#102 Old 16th Jun 2011 at 5:07 PM Last edited by SuicidiaParasidia : 16th Jun 2011 at 5:42 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by unalisaa
Also that makes me angry and bitter. Author, you think rolls of fat are aesthetically displeasing? I think being overly tanned, wearing your pants too low, wearing your pants too high, that stupid thing people do with their hair that makes their head look like a pineapple, and overly-defined abdominal muscles on men are aesthetically displeasing. But no one cares what I think and I'm not expecting the rest of the world to specifically cater to my tastes. In conclusion: boo, you suck, etc.

i think thats the part of it that the general population is unable to grasp.
its fine to have any opinion you* want, but when you* cross that line into trying to make others adhere to it because you* think so highly of that opinion, there are going to be big problems in one form or another.
but we seem to have a habit as human beings to try and control our world and everything in it despite how douchey or futile it might be. im just thankful that more than one or two other people see it for what it is.

*general "you", im not pointing at you specifically unalisaa. just agreeing, really.
EDIT: ah, and, to whoever mentioned "fucking nasty gay sex"--you dont like gay sex? then dont partake in/watch gay sex. OMG look how easy that was! gold star for you.

"The more you know, the sadder you get."~ Stephen Colbert
"I'm not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance." ~ Jon Stewart
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Test Subject
#103 Old 16th Jun 2011 at 5:57 PM Last edited by Segagrey : 16th Jun 2011 at 6:01 PM. Reason: I always sound so snarky DX
Segagrey: the reason you won't get much sympathy for your story has to do with privilege. Skinny people (in the US, at least), tend to be privileged compared to fat people: ultra-thin people are lauded as models, over-represented in the media, and generally have an easier time of it. Nobody talks about a "War on Skinniness" like they do a "War on Obesity," or thinks it's okay to say things like that journalist did in the Marie Claire article, and when skinny people have their weight commented on, it's usually a compliment. Heck, I've seen stories about wage discrimination for fat women compared to skinnier women with the same qualifications. "Look at that skinny bitch" is more likely to be spoken with envy or admiration, while nobody's going to be jealous of a fat girl.

D'oh. I didn't post the story to be a "Hey, pity me and my dramaful life, k?" kinda thing. I mean, I expected it to be met with objection xD That's what I meant by the "People will probably miss the point of the story" comment. I'm a mixed, dorky hipster-in-denial, being made fun of because I'm skinny is the last of my worries. I posted it to give an example of the intolerance skinnier people face, and how absurd it was for him to take time out to specifically attack me because of my weight and think it was perfectly OK. I promise you, skinnier people DO NOT have it "easier"(I'm not saying they have it harder either, mind you); as proof: My life up till now. Now, we're not just talking "the envious thin" we're talking skinny. The skinny, ganky, skinny. Both fat and skinny people are discriminated against, yes, but I really don't think it's right for the latter to be made "acceptable" to demean.
I dunno, maybe I'm just crazy. ~-~

Ohhai dere, Mr/Mrs.Signature reader ;D look at you, bein' all creeperish.
#104 Old 13th Oct 2011 at 1:42 AM
I personally know how it feels to be thin. As a male, I sometimes especially feel insulted for being skinny, I'm tired of having "girl arms" , "chicken legs" and being the "weakling." This can apply to girls too. Nobody in freakin reality looks like Kendra or Taylor Lautner. (The latter on I'm compared to.) Call be a jerk for complaining for being too thin, but, seriously nobody it seems has a perfect body, and anyone who strives to, seems to end up being unhealthy or with emotional issues. I'm not going to kill myself for the 8-pack abs, or any other kind of physical perfection. People have to accept who they are and embrace inner beauty. the kind that actually counts.

Just call me Blake! :)
Hola, hablo español también - Hi, I speak Spanish too.
#105 Old 13th Oct 2011 at 3:23 AM
There's different perceptions of what's portrayed in the media/ what actually happens in real life. Most people prefer a slender, but healthy and natural, figure as opposed to size -2.

Hi I'm Paul!
#106 Old 13th Oct 2011 at 4:27 AM
I think people should obsess less about physical appearence. For too long, women have been valued for their physical appearence, whether in the 'old days' she was 'too skinny' to have kids, to now being 'too fat' to be a star, or her value was based on her youth and beauty.

The fact is, all natural bodies are beautiful to me. I'd like to see less airbrushed trickery and less silicone enhancement. Half the time I think some don't know what a real breast should look like since the media glorifies silicone enhanced cleavage.

Sure, being overweight is unhealthy, but a little overweight is not. Plus who decides what is overweight? The BMI chart is set to an impossible standard for many. Even when I was thin, I never matched the chart for the ideal weight for my height. I'm 10 lbs overweight right now. Try as I might I can't shake it. That is life, and that is the effect of medication which slowed my metabolism to a sluggish pace. Sure, I'd like to lose 10 lbs, but its pretty much impossible for me. So c'est la vie.
#107 Old 13th Oct 2011 at 4:49 AM

This thread is still active?

"You're born naked, and everything else is drag."
#108 Old 14th Oct 2011 at 8:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SimsLover50
I think people should obsess less about physical appearence. For too long, women have been valued for their physical appearence, whether in the 'old days' she was 'too skinny' to have kids, to now being 'too fat' to be a star, or her value was based on her youth and beauty.

The fact is, all natural bodies are beautiful to me. I'd like to see less airbrushed trickery and less silicone enhancement. Half the time I think some don't know what a real breast should look like since the media glorifies silicone enhanced cleavage.

Sure, being overweight is unhealthy, but a little overweight is not. Plus who decides what is overweight? The BMI chart is set to an impossible standard for many. Even when I was thin, I never matched the chart for the ideal weight for my height. I'm 10 lbs overweight right now. Try as I might I can't shake it. That is life, and that is the effect of medication which slowed my metabolism to a sluggish pace. Sure, I'd like to lose 10 lbs, but its pretty much impossible for me. So c'est la vie.

who decides what is "natural"?
we live in an unnatural world, surrounded by unnatural things at all times. im tired of people harping on about how whats natural is whats best. the fact is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and not everyone has the same pair of eyeballs or is the same beholder, and this nonsense notion that all must come to a unanimous agreement about what beauty is is purely laughable. it will never be "resolved", either, and i wish people would wise up enough to just leave others alone about what they think is beautiful, whether they buy into mainstream ideals or not.

ideally, people wouldnt make the connection between personal approval of a person and their opinion of that person, but thats not how it works. everyone is criticized. nobody is perfect, physically or otherwise, because perfection is a concept, not an actuality.
on that note, many people seem to have blurred lines between what is ideal and what is realistic.

but then, i think that most of where the double-standard comes from that treats skinny insults as acceptable and fat insults as dishonorable is the notion that skinny is enviable while fat people must obviously be sad that they are fat. but i tell you this; id much rather spend any of my time around someone who was comfortable in their skin, fat or skinny. and there are plenty of people (both fat and skinny) who envy the other, but i suppose many more fat people whom are socially allowed to express their envy of skinny people. skinny people are also brainwashed into believing that their personal misery (in the case of being notably underweight) is invalid because others do not see it as a miserable situation.

again, the crap starts when people take these notions that are acceptable to think, express, and even tailor their personal designs to, and attempt to apply them to other people. if we could just cut that bullshit out, the world would be a bit better.

"The more you know, the sadder you get."~ Stephen Colbert
"I'm not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance." ~ Jon Stewart
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Lab Assistant
#109 Old 14th Oct 2011 at 1:31 PM
Beauty really is about the person inside. you may see someone who looks stunning but once you find out they're a total bitch, they appear ugly because thats what they're like on the inside. likewise, someone who's ugly but a wonderful person becomes beautiful in your eye because you know what a nice person they are.
If anyone's ever watched the channel 4 show Skins, there was a pair of twins on there a few seasons back that were identical, right down to the hair cuts. but the one that was a a total bitch seemed less attractive then the nice one, even though there were no physical differences.

<- My Simself, Kelly Ovenden. Life Stage: YA Traits: Computer Whiz, Bookworm, Couch Potato, Grumpy, Nurturing
#110 Old 14th Oct 2011 at 4:20 PM Last edited by SimsLover50 : 14th Oct 2011 at 4:35 PM.
"who decides what is "natural"?
we live in an unnatural world, surrounded by unnatural things at all times. im tired of people harping on about how whats natural is whats best."

Hah. Well, since this is directed at me, I can respond: I think glorification of overly enhanced bodies can have harmful effects on people's self esteem. So for me, realistic depiction of people in the media can be helpful to those who will never meet the ideal.

"the fact is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and not everyone has the same pair of eyeballs or is the same beholder, and this nonsense notion that all must come to a unanimous agreement about what beauty is is purely laughable."

I agree with you there.

"it will never be "resolved", either, and i wish people would wise up enough to just leave others alone about what they think is beautiful, whether they buy into mainstream ideals or not."

It depends for me. If what they think is beautiful is unhealthy (footbinding) or (Corsets) an impossible standard for men or women to meet, then I think those beliefs should be challenged. Sometimes peoples expectations are artificially set due to oversaturation with media that when they encounter reality they have difficulty finding value in it

"on that note, many people seem to have blurred lines between what is ideal and what is realistic."

Very astute observation.
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