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#26 Old 2nd Apr 2016 at 6:42 AM Last edited by pirate_wolf_12 : 2nd Apr 2016 at 7:56 AM.
Melody Pond is an anagram of Moldy N. Pedo. The n probably stands for the n-word. The OP is an all-around awful garbage person.
Field Researcher
#27 Old 2nd Apr 2016 at 2:44 PM
Melody Pond is also a char in the TV show Doctor Who. Her name changes to River Song later in the show. :D
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 4th Apr 2016 at 11:28 AM
I can understand why the OP is asking for one. TS 4 isn't much more than a dating sim anyway, but kids dating adults is taking it too far. I don't think teens should be doing it either.
Smeg Head
#29 Old 5th Apr 2016 at 1:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pirate_wolf_12
Melody Pond is an anagram of Moldy N. Pedo. The n probably stands for the n-word. The OP is an all-around awful garbage person.

Or, if using the two 3's as reversed E's, as the rules of Anagram International allow. (Who the frick now? Anagram International? They're like The Avengers, but fight villains with words and symbols and literary head-fucks. Hollywood would make a movie, but Hollywood writers just aren't in the same literary/intelligence league. So they do Justice League instead.)

Need My Old Pedo. At least the OP seems to thinks so...
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 6th Apr 2016 at 8:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by XtraSim
oh but there is. there is a site OUT THERE (LL) that people pretty much do whatever they want on it. but if you think the sims section there is weird you ain't seen nothing compared to the fallout 4 area.

*Goes to check out the latest weird Fallout mods which I apparently missed* They don't really phase me anymore to see it on the mod forums. I seem to just scroll past them when I'm looking for something specific. I honestly don't know why people download certain things, but hey, it's their game.

Honestly, does this post from the original poster really surprise you all with all the modders out there whom have said they won't make mods for romance with children? With all the things the modders post at the bottom of their mods about not asking for it is because they have been asked countless times to do it. I can't imagine how many times Twallan was asked.
#31 Old 7th Apr 2016 at 3:52 AM
not a single post from the op anymore.

yepz wez beenz trolledz

Mirror floors, sexy mirror silhouettes, adult DVD, legend of zelda items and more ALL FREE AT: XTRA SIMS!
#32 Old 7th Apr 2016 at 7:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by XtraSim
oh but there is. there is a site OUT THERE (LL) that people pretty much do whatever they want on it. but if you think the sims section there is weird you ain't seen nothing compared to? the fallout 4 area.

Wait, the site is called Out There (LL)?
Field Researcher
#33 Old 7th Apr 2016 at 8:52 PM Last edited by MystAngel : 7th Apr 2016 at 9:37 PM.
XtraSim, why would he post again when he got 65 disagrees and disgusted everyone? I'm not sure he'll even log in again; maybe he would think the police is waiting to track his IP address..

I wonder if I'm the only one, but this thread is extremely interesting to me. Not because I'm searching for a pedophilia mod, but because I'd always been fascinated by psychological and sociological aspect of such subjects. Concretely, I was a little surprised that the OP got unanimously proclaimed a pedophile. I'm not sure if he's a potential pedophile or not, but it was always confusing to me where is the boundary between a healthy curiosity and serious criminal personalities and tendencies. Even though I'm not exactly among them, the fact is, that there are people out there who are comfortable with doing things in game, they would never actually do in RL. I, myself, never killed or tortured any of my Sims. Never, in my entire life. I couldn't even use violence and aggression mod for TS3. I had CC guns installed, but also never used them. Few years ago, when I was playing WOW with my ex boyfriend, I couldn't even make myself to finish quests that involved killing animals with yellow thingies above their heads (those who apparently weren't possessed with evil spirits and who'd never attack first when approached). I was always puzzled when thinking about popularity of TS2 baby barbeque mod, for example. Never tried that one too, and was really surprised it was allowed on a teen-friendly site like this one. So it's interesting to observe what people consider positively twisting, morbidly entertaining, and what is unacceptable to even think about. By the way, despite being so inhibited, empathetic and conscientious in my actions, I do have a twisted side when it comes to academic interest in such subjects (whether it involves reading Marquis de Sade books, watching sick movies with snuff thematics, or listening to the most hidden desires of the psychopaths).
Smeg Head
#34 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 1:27 AM
Fantasy, role play, casually exploring the depths of the twisted side of the human psyche, are all well and good in the academic aspect. After all, the on-going human quest is to find out who we really are, while we're still here. Something of a tall order, actually. But when asking to see kids, minors, "dating" adults, that's just plain pedo. No "potential" about it. No mistaking. Not misjudging, not miscalculation, not mindless knee-jerk reaction. Just plain seeing it for what it is. Pedo. Who the frick wants their kids doing that, "dating," either in a game or in reality? I think we know who...

Oh, there's a big, gangly twenty-four year old at my door wanting to take my twelve year old child on a "date" for some fun, food, frolics, and perhaps a final bit of intimacy. Not only do I not misinterpret that, but I'm getting a shotgun! Bye-bye, gangly...

And that's only what I'd do in a game. How much worse does it have to get in reality. That's "potential" for you.
Field Researcher
#35 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 2:34 AM Last edited by MystAngel : 8th Apr 2016 at 2:54 AM.
First of all, pedophilia is a serious psychiatric disorder. Any adult experiencing sexual satisfaction while even having pedophilic fantasies, should go through a full psychiatric evaluation. A person who would think of materializing such fantasies, is not only sick, but lacks moral values necessary to function in a society and should therefore be isolated. The one who actually commits the crime, deserves the strictest punishment. That is not under discussion.

I understand an emotional reaction, especially by parents with little children. I'm just not sure that only one post in this thread contains enough evidence to conclude that the OP is a pedophile. Just like I wouldn't jump to conclusion that the author of this mod and numerous people who favorite it, are sadistic infant killing and cannibalistic monsters. Even though both kinds of playstyles are repulsive and not quite understandable to me personally.

I don't know if anyone here read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. The main character of the novel is a middle-aged pedophile, the storyline follows his relationship with a twelve year old girl, but that novel is considered a masterpiece and actually one of the best literary fictions of the twentieth century. Nabokov is a true erudite, intellectual, his sentence is perfect and he is known for his in-depth characterization. He was actually a Nobel prize nominee. Was he a pedophile for writing such novel? No.
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 4:03 AM
Perhaps we could answer some of the OP question. There is a mod called Nraas woohooer for sims 3 in which you can have teen/young adult and older relationships. You can also set it to have near-relation relationships as well (aka siblings). Perhaps you might want this for a kingdom to be historically accurate, who knows. You can find the mod here: http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Woohooer

As for sims 4, the only mod I know of that you can have a teen/young adult relationship is this one: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=536406, but I still play on an old patch.

Well, we could debate what people should and shouldn't have in their games for the next year, but my sim seems to think that he needs to throw another pool party. His last one was a complete success.
Smeg Head
#37 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 4:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MystAngel
I don't know if anyone here read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. He was actually a Nobel prize nominee. Was he a pedophile for writing such novel? No.

I've not read the book, but I think the Jeremy Irons film was insightful. The Frank Langella death scene was Greek-Tragedy-Legendary. As a Red Dwarf fan, from the episode "Marooned," I hear page 47 is worth keeping??? And I would consider Nabokov as much a pedo for writing it as I would George Lucas a Jedi for writing Star Wars. I don't. Nor would I presume that anyone else would, unless it were my intention to insult their intelligence.

But when OP asked what they asked, unless you're trying to convince me they're just researching ideas for a novel they're working on, (Pete Townsend, that was your excuse.) then I know what I'm going to think regardless.

But I do enjoy a good psychological debate on the merits of trying to fathom the human condition.
Field Researcher
#38 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 5:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by coolspear1
unless you're trying to convince me they're just researching ideas for a novel they're working on, (Pete Townsend, that was your excuse.) then I know what I'm going to think regardless.

And unless someone convinces me that the OP is an adult self-woohooing () in front of the monitor while watching child sims woohoo, I won't take this thread too seriously. Actually, when reading the original post again, I don't even think he's mature enough, he seems quite young.

Quote: Originally posted by coolspear1
I've not read the book, but I think the Jeremy Irons film was insightful. The Frank Langella death scene was Greek-Tragedy-Legendary. As a Red Dwarf fan, from the episode "Marooned," I hear page 47 is worth keeping??? And I would consider Nabokov as much a pedo for writing it as I would George Lucas a Jedi for writing Star Wars. I don't. Nor would I presume that anyone else would, unless it were my intention to insult their intelligence.

The book is very deep and complex, Nabokov has a flawless writing style; it's a real treat for bookworms like me who enjoy serious literary fiction. For those who don't, it might appear boring (mainly because of the long descriptive sentences, a strong accent on inner psychological characterization and lack of dialogue). I'm not a fan of movie adaptations, maybe I slightly prefer Kubrick's, but only because he's my favorite movie director and I'm a big fan of his artistic style. The movie actually didn't quite catch the essence of this touchy subject, even though Nabokov himself worked on a screenplay. The main reason is time the movie was filmed in (1962), so it suffered a strict censorship. It's too bad, those two (Kubrick and Nabokov) could have been a dream team when it comes to book-movie collaboration, if only they worked on it few decades later.

Quote: Originally posted by coolspear1
But I do enjoy a good psychological debate on the merits of trying to fathom the human condition.

I enjoy a good psychological debate too, but this probably isn't the right place for it, moderators will intervene eventually and warn us for off topic (and maybe for danger of slipping into not very teen-friendly conversation zone ).

I'm not sure what I'm even doing in a Sims 4 subforum, I don't even play this game.
When I first saw the topic title, I thought it was one of those TS3-TS4 comparasion threads.
#39 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 6:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lord St.Croix
Wait, the site is called Out There (LL)?

i can't post the exact name here because it pretty much is a PRON site :P

but it is 2 words both start with L.L. You wouldn't believe some of the sims 3 stuff they have on there OH MY

Mirror floors, sexy mirror silhouettes, adult DVD, legend of zelda items and more ALL FREE AT: XTRA SIMS!
#40 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 10:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by coolspear1
Or, if using the two 3's as reversed E's, as the rules of Anagram International allow. (Who the frick now? Anagram International? They're like The Avengers, but fight villains with words and symbols and literary head-fucks. Hollywood would make a movie, but Hollywood writers just aren't in the same literary/intelligence league. So they do Justice League instead.)

Need My Old Pedo. At least the OP seems to thinks so...

e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#41 Old 9th Apr 2016 at 12:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by coolspear1
As a Red Dwarf fan, from the episode "Marooned," I hear page 47 is worth keeping???

Smeg Head
#42 Old 9th Apr 2016 at 2:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample

There just isn't enough Aspirin in the world after that...

Now where did I leave grumpy, old Spare Head 3?
Field Researcher
#43 Old 9th Apr 2016 at 2:27 PM
I'm sorry, coolspear1, I overlooked this:
Quote: Originally posted by coolspear1
As a Red Dwarf fan, from the episode "Marooned," I hear page 47 is worth keeping???

Were you asking about page 47 of Nabokov's Lolita novel, or something else? I don't always understand all the internal jokes around here. And I'm not that familiar with Red Dwarf episodes, so I don't quite see the connection. But I suppose it's the series funny reference to an especially nasty and perverted Lolita paragraph. To the question is it true that page of the novel is worth keeping, my answer is - I don't know. I don't own nor did I read the English version of the novel; I usually read literature in my native language, by different publishers, and I definitely don't remember every page of it, I don't have the frickin' eidetic memory . I wish my foreign language skills were good enough to read literary classics in their native languages and original editions, though. Interesting fact is that Nabokov himself was bilingual. Or not that interesting, judging by the atmosphere here .

I guess it's time to insert a random funny gif to better fit into the environment . Here's one:

Test Subject
#44 Old 9th Apr 2016 at 3:38 PM
Hmm, I was expecting something totally else ...its just trolling of course

Is there a mod for robbing a bank (need one for practice, shhhh)

Quote: Originally posted by MystAngel
I'm sorry, coolspear1, I overlooked this:
I wish my foreign language skills were good enough to read literary classics in their native languages and original editions, though. Interesting fact is that Nabokov himself was bilingual.

There is a solution! You can learn to read in those foreign languages ...what bilingual means? (u see what i did there )

"Fear of a name increases fear of a thing itself."
Smeg Head
#45 Old 10th Apr 2016 at 3:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MystAngel
I'm sorry, coolspear1, I overlooked this:

Were you asking about page 47 of Nabokov's Lolita novel, or something else?

No, no. Not the page number specifically. I'd bet good money I even quoted the page number wrong from what the characters Rimmer & Lister actually quoted in the Red Dwarf episode. (I was actually going to boot the episode up and FF to the scene in the name of being thorough. But then I couldn't be arsed.)

And you're correct, even with all the English reprints alone, the size and type of font used, paper size and whatnot, "page 47" would never be the same thing, never mind other language publications.

But as an insight into the writers of Red Dwarf themselves, as the episode was about burning probably the last, only-existing versions of the greatest printed literature in the universe, just to keep a warm fire going to keep the last human in existence alive, and they (Writers) thought Lolita great enough to be in that list. Especially "page 47."

Which Lister, the last human alive, looked at, said "that's disgusting," then ripped out page for safe keeping before tossing book on fire to keep himself warm and alive.

So then, know the most "disgusting" part of Lolita, and that's the page we're talking about in any language.

Fuck, now I want to go and read it now as well after all this. My curiosity is peaked...
#46 Old 10th Apr 2016 at 3:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Dambi

Is there a mod for robbing a bank (need one for practice, shhhh)
: )

the sims doesn't have banks money just magically appears out of thin air

Mirror floors, sexy mirror silhouettes, adult DVD, legend of zelda items and more ALL FREE AT: XTRA SIMS!
Smeg Head
#47 Old 10th Apr 2016 at 3:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by XtraSim
the sims doesn't have banks money just magically appears out of thin air

You're talking a whole bunch of motherlode!!!
Test Subject
#48 Old 11th Apr 2016 at 1:51 AM
Someone know "motherlode" for rl? Had to ask, just in case

Quote: Originally posted by coolspear1
So then, know the most "disgusting" part of Lolita, and that's the page we're talking about in any language.

...but on a serious note, "disgusting" is subjective measure, mostly accepted based on quantity... but again, even quality is based on quantity. Its all relativ(e)ity.

"Fear of a name increases fear of a thing itself."
One Minute Ninja'd
#49 Old 11th Apr 2016 at 2:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Dambi
Someone know "motherlode" for rl? Had to ask, just in case

Sure. Open Tor and search for credit card numbers.
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