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Mad Poster
#13076 Old 31st May 2024 at 10:12 PM
I miss Nameberry's Namehunter. It was such a useful tool when coming up with names for born-in-game Sims.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Mad Poster
#13077 Old 1st Jun 2024 at 8:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
You need to make a paved maze course for sims to run the Llamaborghini on. You can also have a Llama petting area using [url=https://modthesims.info/d/144733]this amazing Llama!

I tried to find that pettable Llama! XD Apparently a search for 'llama' does not bring up 'llamazing'.
Mad Poster
#13078 Old 2nd Jun 2024 at 5:34 AM
It seemed like a cool idea

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Mad Poster
#13079 Old 2nd Jun 2024 at 7:57 AM
I kinda of miss the cute little house on the M in Sims logo that they did in TS1 and wish they would of continued it for TS2. I know it's a rather nitpicky minor thing, but it was cute making the M look like a mountain.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Mad Poster
#13080 Old 2nd Jun 2024 at 1:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
It seemed like a cool idea

Some of us have been doing testing on those booths. The consensus was that they only work properly on a community lot with a server podium. The waiters have some sort of magic that allows them to deal with the dishes and the diners just jump over each other.
Forum Resident
#13081 Old 3rd Jun 2024 at 8:05 PM
A while ago I mentioned to my youngest son that I had a Grilled Cheese cult in my old modern 'hood. He asked me a few questions about it, and I described the orange and brown decor, the large kitchen, themed art, and the shrine to sandwiches.

He just showed me the hidden grilled cheese shrine in his latest Minecraft build - it's hilarious and he did a great job with recreating what I described to him within a very different game. I think grilled cheese will feature more prominently in my next 'hood.
Mad Poster
#13082 Old Yesterday at 12:15 AM
I was talking to a friend who's only played TS3. I think I broke their brain trying to explain how the game works without story progression or open-world.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
#13083 Old Yesterday at 11:35 AM
I'm still affected by the bushy brow trend and can't resist the urge to choose lighter and thinner brows for my sims.

I remember 12 years ago when plucked or naturally thin brows were all I had and couldn't figure out why my adult sims look like 14 year old boys with their fine brows, Justin Bieber/anime love interest hairstyles, the lack of facial hair and no bone structure definition.
Field Researcher
#13084 Old Yesterday at 3:49 PM
As we've been talking about the game's broken randomizers lately, I've been wondering about how some mods handle certain percentages. I'm talking about ACR, death by childbirth, and triplets and quats mods specifically.

I'm not that great at math, but my understanding is that when something has a 10% chance of happening, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will happen exactly 10 times out of 100; it just means that for every occurrence, there's a 10% chance it will happen. Therefore, out of a 100, it might happen 0, 1, 10, or maybe 20 times. If I'm incorrect here, please tell me because my brain doesn't understand math quite well :P

Anyway, for mods that assign percentages for a specific scenario, does it work as a "chance", or as an "exact" thing? For example: I have my ACR settings to make 20% of my population gay, 20% bi, and my other 60% is straight. Does this mean that for every time a sim's gender preferences are chosen, it just "rolls" for it, taking the percentages into account, or does it take the whole population into account to actually make 20% of the population gay, and so on...? I hope I'm explaining myself :') . I have this doubt because sometimes it feels like a lot of my sims who age up to teens and get their sexual preference get to be straight, and then, all of a sudden, the next 10 sims who get theirs, are gay or bi, and then another batch of straight sims continues. I'm wondering if this is just my perception and it doesn't actually work like that, or if it does. As if the game said; "the settings say 20% of the population must be gay, and since many sims have been born, the gay population is now 18%. Let's make the next 10 sims gay so that it balances out." Am I crazy?

I'm adding this in as I just remembered: another ACR setting that seems to do this in my game is the birth control failure. I've got it set to 1%, so it's rare. Birth control works well and I don't have any surprise babies, until one sim's birth control fails and they get pregnant, and then another 2 or 3 sims' birth control will fail too really soon after that.

Other two mods I've noticed that do something similar are the chance of childbirth, and the triplets and quats mods. I used to have my childbirth death chance set at 10% (I've since lowered it to just 1%), and sometimes I noticed that a lot of my sims would die this way in a row; as in, I have a bunch of births where the pregnant sim lived, and then I had 3 or 4 in a row who died. Is this the game trying to fulfill that 10%, or is it actually done by chance and I was just unlucky? Because then it seemed like I would proceed to have 20 more births with no death, and then 5 where the parent died.

Same thing with triplets and quats. I have 81%,10%, 6%, and 3% chances set of getting a single baby, twins, triplets, and quats respectively, and it looks like I get many singletons in a row, and then suddenly the next 7 pregnancies result in multiples, and then it comes down to single babies again, only for many multiples to be born all in a row later on.
Mad Poster
#13085 Old Yesterday at 4:04 PM
Basically, if you had a dice with 100 numbers on it, then a roll of 1-10 means the thing will happen. 11-100 it won't happen.

I think that all the mods you mentioned work that way, so statistical clusters are coincidences.

Except the gay/bi/straight percentage one. If you had 100 sims then the mod would try to make 20 gay, 20 bi and 60 straight. Then future babies' sexuality would be picked so that those ratios can be maintained.
Lab Assistant
#13086 Old Yesterday at 6:47 PM
I haven't been playing for ages (two years) but still some habits stay put, for instance that sims with 0-2 neatness points typically can't be directed to do personal hygiene, clean or do the dishes (unless I forget and are surprised by the complaints). They can however influence another sim and I don't stop autonomous behaviour, such as washing in the sink. I don't know when this became a habit/rule but it stuck..

Oh, and typically only elders get a crafting station and work for talent badges, an elder typically get 15-20 days and it makes sense for them to focus on their hobbies and run a small business or sell to a local entrepreneur. Of course there's exceptions, but I think it fits kind of nice with the quite erratic sleeping patterns.
#13087 Old Yesterday at 10:22 PM
I need ideas for a new business to open. Since this sim is based on Alex Keaton a turtle business would be the obvious choice, but we don't have turtles in this game... What would Alex Keaton do?

Nice Rachel we're having.
My C:Simblr!
Forum Resident
#13088 Old Yesterday at 11:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Basically, if you had a dice with 100 numbers on it, then a roll of 1-10 means the thing will happen. 11-100 it won't happen.

I think that all the mods you mentioned work that way, so statistical clusters are coincidences.

I feel like we as a society were never correctly taught how chance percentages work and I've spent most of my adult life trying to un-learn it. "It's a 30% chance" No, there's a 30% chance each time and only on a massive scale is it likely to hit near 30%.

Sims have a 50-50 chance of being male or female at birth. Of all the sims BIG in my hood, there are 349 male and 361 female. Throughout my entire game, there have always been 10+ fewer males. And in the past month, I had a streak of 10 boys in a row, so prior to that it was even more uneven!
Mad Poster
#13089 Old Today at 12:40 AM
It's 50/50 unless you're trying to get a specific gender. Then it's 99/1.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
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