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#1 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 3:39 PM Last edited by jonha : 24th Nov 2009 at 5:24 PM.
Default [Testers Needed] CAS Body sliders
Note: The sliders are in the Download section, please move here:

As I posted here, I started working on Body Sliders for Sims 3.

Before I upload them in the Downloads section, I would like to know, if they work for you.

Included are:
-Breast size (female teen-elder)
-Waist size (all ages and genders)
-Hip size/pelvis width (all ages and genders)
-Butt Size (all genders, teen-elder)
-Head Size (all ages and genders)

As they are "genetically" they appear even for those, they have no impact on (for example breast slider on males).

The CAS descriptions are translated into german and english and will show a english description for other languages. The breast slider has some additional translations.If you can give me better/new translations, please do so.

The head size slider will appear in the head region, the other sliders will appear in the mouth region until someone manages to create a new region in CAS.

I can not guarantee, that they work together with other sliders, because there is a certain limit of sliders per section. You can install Awesomemod if you want to circumvent this problem, as it increases the number of slider slots.

They should look right on all ages, fat/fitness states and all clothing. If not, please report me.

These sliders use quite realistic ranges that work well on all fit/fatness states. If you require more extreme sims, you should use a slider hack, as included with awesomemod. The breast slider has a quite large maximum setting, as I suppose some people will love large breasts.


As this thread is getting pretty large, here a few statements:
- Yes, they work with the latest patch and WA and they should work with future updates.
- I don't know, if they work on a Mac, if you have one please test it and tell it me
- I only need additional translations for Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hungarian, Polish and Standard Portuguese (And maybe, Japanese, Chinese, etc. but these languages aren't included in the default International edition, So I would need the Instance numbers for the STBLs, too). Submitting me localizations for other languages is useless, unless you noticed a translation error or you want to give me the additional translation for the shoulder size/distance slider.
- Feet and hand shaking and head resizing is normal, if you use a slider hack and extreme values. I can't do anything about it.
- No, I won't enable larger breasts. I actually think, the current range is too large.
- They are already sumbitted to the staff, I hope, they will be up soon.

I want to thank Delphy for his Small Editors: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=372169 and everyone else, wo did research and wrote tools, that helped me creating this (s3pi, s3pe, MilkShape Exporter, Blender, Wolfram Alpha, Gimp, and many more)
Attached files:
File Type: zip  Jonha_Sliders.zip (5.0 KB, 11629 downloads) - View custom content
Mad Poster
#2 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 4:06 PM
Wow, excellent, will try these out, thanks! I didn't know Awesomemod increased the number of slider slots, that's interesting to know!
Test Subject
#3 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 4:58 PM
Imma try these out... Do i need to uninstall the previous breat sliders?

Will report back soon Thanks :D
#4 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 5:13 PM
Awsome, congrats and thank you!!
Original Poster
#5 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 5:21 PM Last edited by jonha : 12th Nov 2009 at 7:28 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Zigmat
Imma try these out... Do i need to uninstall the previous breat sliders?

It works fine with Delphy's breast sliders if you have awesomemod installed. If not, you will probably exceed the slider limit which will stop some sliders from working.
#6 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 5:44 PM
Translations to spanish would be:

Breast size = Tamaño del busto
-Waist size = Tamaño de la cintura
-Hip size/pelvis width = Tamaño de la cadera
-Butt Size = Tamaño de los gluteos
-Head Size = Tamaño de la cabeza
Mad Poster
#7 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 5:56 PM
Fantastic, we can make surreal sims now! Nice work, thank you!

The issues I've noticed so far is that as the butt becomes bigger it becomes pointy rather than staying rounded, and when you make the hips bigger, the legs and head become skinny. But they only look skinny from the front - from the side, the head and legs still look normal.
Test Subject
#8 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 7:01 PM
Awesome thanks .

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Original Poster
#9 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 7:19 PM Last edited by jonha : 12th Nov 2009 at 7:32 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by EsmeraldaF
The issues I've noticed so far is that as the butt becomes bigger it becomes pointy rather than staying rounded,

Can you make a screenshot, please? Or is this only with your slider hack?

and when you make the hips bigger, the legs and head become skinny.

This is a known problem, impossible to fix. In the normal slider range it's almost invisible (the head width is 0.1% off at maximum), but if you overdo it, like on the screenshot, it becomes visible.

PS: Thanks for the translation, Anubis360.
Test Subject
#10 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 7:53 PM Last edited by duppyraces : 12th Nov 2009 at 8:24 PM.
My sim has a butt!!

Within the normal slider ranges, everything looks fantastic so far in CAS. I don't have any mods to exceed the limits; I'm guessing that's where Esmeralda's problems show up. Butts are well rounded. Making a larger butt does have the effect of making the abdomen a bit bigger (more obvious in heavier sims, very subtle on skinnier ones), but it's worth it. Awesome work!!

By the way, these all coexist nicely with Delphy's Breast sliders! Your sliders, Delphy's, and the regular mouth sliders (20 total) are all available. I do not have the awesomemod installed.
#11 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 7:53 PM
Awesome job on these, thanks so much. I'll test them for over the weekend. Making sure I take pictures and all.

ETA: I do have the AwesomeMod and I think my sliders are on 4x O.o. So I'll be sure to see the difference with it and w/o it in the game.
Warrior Gryphon
site owner
#12 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 7:54 PM
Most of the "center" bones are linked - in order to adjust the hips or butt you also need to inverse adjust the upper portions of the body to compensate.

Here's some random sliders I started working on and never finished.

- Bobblehead
- Head dome
- Pelvis width
- Pelvis girth
Attached files:
File Type: rar  RandomSliders.rar (3.2 KB, 1200 downloads) - View custom content

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
#13 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 7:59 PM
I'll try these too Delphy. Now I can't wait for the weekend. I get the HTC Hero and new sliders for my games. I don't know which makes me more giddy.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 8:26 PM
This are all very useful, particularly the butt slider everyone's been asking about. Is it possible to create a slider to alter the calf area? Elder females are really hurting there, thanks to the infinite wisdom of the creators at EA.
Original Poster
#15 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 9:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Delphy
Most of the "center" bones are linked - in order to adjust the hips or butt you also need to inverse adjust the upper portions of the body to compensate.

I already do that.

The problem is, when I scale the butt for example by 2, i have to scale the legs by 1/2 = 0.5 to compensate. At maximum slider setting everything is right now 0.5*2=1), but when I set the slider to 50% (this would be 75% ingame) the butt is scaled of course by 1.5 and the compensating value is at 0.75. The problem is now, that 1.5 * 0.75 is not 1 but 1.125, so the legs will be 12.5% to large. In reality the scalings are much smaller and I choosed more intelligent compensating values, so as I said before, the error is never above 0.1% without slider hacks.

@duppyraces: Thanks for the report. I actually don't know how free sliders there are in the mouth region. There was a thread, but I can't find it now. I have 4 sliders in the mouth area and delphy has 5 breast sliders, so there must be at least 9 slots free.
Test Subject
#16 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 9:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jonha
@duppyraces: Thanks for the report. I actually don't know how free sliders there are in the mouth region. There was a thread, but I can't find it now. I have 4 sliders in the mouth area and delphy has 5 breast sliders, so there must be at least 9 slots free.

According to Delphy, there are 20 slider slots total in each region. Since the mouth has 11 pre-existing sliders (5 in the general area, 3 in lower lip, 3 in upper lip), that leaves exactly 9 slots in the mouth free. The other areas already have 16 pre-existing sliders (only 4 free slots in each), which is why the mouth was the only available option for his 5 breast sliders. Now that we have the wonderful pointy ears slider set in the head section, time to start branching out to the nose....

By the by, been playing my newly enhanced self sim for the past hour using a mix of all of your AND Delphy's sliders. What a difference! Brilliant!
#17 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 9:45 PM
I LOVE this sliders! Two things I've noticed: the hands are "linked" to the waist now, and they should be linked to the hips (if possible), and I would add a "shoulders size" to the crew, to make a little more proportion for huge hip-ped sims :P
Field Researcher
#18 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 9:49 PM
Now that the Butt and Breast sliders are made, I am fully satisfied with simming.

lol. Thank you so much. The ladies needed a badonkadonk.

I don't really f**k with Africa, cause people are starving to death and that's not baller to me...-Dave Chappelle (Chappelle's Show, Cribs Sketch)
#19 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 9:56 PM
These sliders are awesome!

I have tried both and just thought I would mention a couple of things about Delphys sliders.

It seems that you cannot have a bigger bum without the legs getting thicker and a slightly rounded tummy.

As mentioned above because the arms are linked to the waist if you enlarge the hips too much the hands go into the thighs.


Mad Poster
#20 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 9:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jonha
Can you make a screenshot, please? Or is this only with your slider hack?

This is a known problem, impossible to fix. In the normal slider range it's almost invisible (the head width is 0.1% off at maximum), but if you overdo it, like on the screenshot, it becomes visible.

Yes, this was with the Awesomemod slider hack, set at x5, so I guess it was a bit extreme! Keeping within a normal range does seem to be fine. But it is interesting to see what surreal-looking sims it's now possible to make!
Original Poster
#21 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 10:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by schitzwa
It seems that you cannot have a bigger bum without the legs getting thicker and a slightly rounded tummy.

This is the issue mentioned above. The waist slider affects the all above the waist, the hip and butt slider legs and feet.

As mentioned above because the arms are linked to the waist if you enlarge the hips too much the hands go into the thighs.

The game just seems to assign the arm position depending on the waist and not on the hip.
Warrior Gryphon
site owner
#22 Old 13th Nov 2009 at 3:52 PM Last edited by Delphy : 13th Nov 2009 at 4:03 PM.
Very nice work on these sliders, btw jonha. Seems like you've gone into more detail than I did. Do you have any suggestions on modifying the Bone Delta editor?

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 13th Nov 2009 at 3:53 PM
Chest width and/or depth would be the next most requested (and most wanted for me, at least).

These are great.

Using your butt slider that keeps the front from going out kind of gave me a different view. Maybe it should go out, just at something like a 1/2 to 1/3 rate the back side? It would only be needed for the higher levels of the scale, as if it's just a small size-change, it maintains good realistic proportions.

As far as the chest, though, I don't if you could make it independent of the shoulder, clavicle, arms, neck, and head bonedeltas?

If you could (which, if possible, seems like it'd be a crap-load of sliders? Or would you just need to include the connecting ones, like neck vs. neck+head, or shoulder vs. shoulder+upperarm+bicep+etc.), I guess that would make shoulder-width/distance next, assuming you wouldn't be sick of it by then.

I've already used these sliders on at least 20 sims in the past 2 days! Can't tell you how awesome these things are. If I'm being a bother, say so, I don't mean to come of as entitled or demanding. :-x

Thanks a million times over, makes the game so much more customizable, and as a result, more fun.
Original Poster
#24 Old 13th Nov 2009 at 4:51 PM Last edited by jonha : 13th Nov 2009 at 5:11 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Delphy
Do you have any suggestions on modifying the Bone Delta editor?

The main problem is, when embedding it in s3pe, S3PE clears the clipboars everytime I start it. I know, this isnt the problem of the bone editor, but it's the most annoying thing, as I need to copy & paste the same things often in different BOND instances.

Of course improvements could be to add an additional invert button, that doesnt do (-x) but 1/(x+1)-1 and it would be nice if the bones would be sorted in a hierarchy, but that are very advanced wishes. In total I'm very happy with it.
Warrior Gryphon
site owner
#25 Old 13th Nov 2009 at 5:09 PM
jonha: If you edit the bones.xml file, you can change the ordering of the bones in the list.

When you say copy paste the same things you mean take one bones values and copy it to a bone in another BONE file completely?

This could probably be done via an Export / Import Bone menu option, similar to how I have the Bone Import / Export in the MTNF editor.

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
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