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Blood Brothers! Chapter 5
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Blood Brothers! Chapter 5

Out in the yard, Hita was talking to her flour sack baby.

"Hita, I have a solution to your problem", said Sohan.
"What problem is that, Sohan?", she asked.
"Your wanting a baby so much, that's it's driving you mad", he explained.
"The council decided, Quanah will give us a baby".

"You mean, Quanah agreed to do it?", she asked, surprised
"Yes, it's all set", he said, giving her a thumb's up

Sohan saw Quanah and told him, "I told Hita what the council decided and she agreed to do it".
"Tell her, I'll be over tonight. I just want to get it over with", said Quanah

Quanah gazed out the window deep in thought, until he heard his wife (Marala) call him.

"Is there anything troubling you, my husband?", she asked, "You haven't seemed yourself all day."

"I just have a little problem, I need to take care of", said Quanah, "Nothing for you to worry about."

Chandar and Shardul played Punch U - Punch Me.
"Come 'mon, hit me", Shardul teased.

Samir and Hala were sitting on the sofa. "I don't know which boy I want to marry!", said Samir.
"I wish you would shout up about it", Hala said, "It's not your decision anyway."

"I know, but my father is taking so long to decide", she said

"Aren't you glad, we didn't have to wait to find out, who we were gonna marry?", whispered Shardul.
"Yes, I've always known I belonged to you", said Hala.
"When we have our next birthdays, then we can hug and kiss like our parents do", he whispered.
"Yes, we can", she giggled

Samir was watching Nachik and Chandar playing chess. "I wonder which one my father will choose", she thought to herself, "Whether my father choses Chandar or Nachik, I will have to abide by his decision, because that's the Comanche way."

Later that night after the women and children were in bed, Quanah was relaxing in the large tub of warm water with his three friends.

"When are you going to give me and Hita a baby, Quanah?", asked Santosh

"I'm planning to do it tonight", he answered.

"What happens if after you do it, she decides she likes your woo hoo better than Sohan's?", asked Waya.

"I guess I could keep two women satisfied, just as well as one", said Quanah.

Then he felt the water, as it splashed in his face.

"That wasn't funny", said Sohan.

"You know I would never do woo hoo with your wife, without your permission", said Quanah, splashing him back.

"Well, Mister Talk-Big, are you ready to give my wife a baby?", asked Sohan
"You mean right now?", asked Quanah.
"She's expecting you, just go on in", said Sohan

Quanah went over to Sohan's hut. He went into the livingroom.

He lit a fire in the fireplace, to warn off the chill.

Hita came into the room, talking to her flour sack baby

When she saw Quanah, she said,"You saw me, huh?"

"Hita, I know your want for a baby is driving you mad", said Quanah, "That's why I'm here."

"Hita, don't get any ideas, this is the only time we're doing woo hoo and it's only because Sohan is my friend", he said.

Then she jumped into his strong arms. "Alright, take me to the bedroom", she said

Quanah did as she asked and madeout with her.

And then they did woo hoo, Try for a Baby.

"Thank you, Quanah", said Hita

"You're welcome." "It wasn't as bad as I expected", he thought to himself.

"I must go home. Marala will be worried", he said.

He ran across the yard to the toilet. He took a bath, to wash away the smell, of his time with Hita

He stood at the door of his hut. "Good, the hut was quiet, that meant Marala and his sons were still sleeping.

Quanah undressed and got into bed beside Marala, but he was unable to go back to sleep. Marala must never find out what he had done. It would break her heart.
To be continued . . .

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