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Gen 1, Part 8: College Households Halfdanarson, McGork, Loste, Loner
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Finally, peace and quiet.

After an exhausting first year, Erik Halfdanarson packed his things, waterstained and scorched as they were, and fled the dorms to a nice, secluded house near campus. How did those people do it? Had anybody who lived in his dorm even passed their first year?

For Siegfried, the College years began with the horrifying realization that he looked more like his father with every passing year. Maybe it was just the red hair that made it seem that way, but Erik looked nothing like Leif.

The fact that Siegfried was wearing his father’s hand-me-downs to save money certainly did not help.

But when he saw Erik’s exhausted face relax that evening, when Erik looked up from his clumsy attempt at painting to the table where his brother sat and wrote an assignment, and when Erik smiled and said “This is nice.”, it was worth it.


“Owen! You’ve grown!”

Angus, also recently escaped from the dorms even if they hadn’t been as bad for him as for Erik, greeted his newly arrived brother.

“Come in! We’ll have to make room for the twins next year, but for now it’s a big house just for us.”

“Man, can you remember the time when we had space? Space that wasn’t occupied by dolls?”

“Almost, yes. So… back home?”

“Rose has already taken over our room. It’s pink now. Weep.”


Arabella Loste also joined her elder sister Annalee in the new house, as the final Strangetown teenager who was already provided for. The other three, Michael Simnitch, Ray Frehndly and Siri Loner, had listened to Erik’s and Angus’ warnings and taken on parttime jobs to finance housing.


For Siri Loner this meant that she couldn’t afford much more than food and rent. She ended up spending most of her time either at the college library to study or hang around campus, doing some odd jobs.

Tutoring the llama mascot was Siri’s most challenging job. She considered herself rather smart and had some experience in teaching, but this guy was something else.

For starters, he always wore that llama costume. Always. She’d asked him if that was part of his contract, but he’d just glared at her.

She didn’t even know his name. She’d asked, obviously, but his answer had simply been “I am the Llama. You will address me as Llama. That is all you need to know.”

He was very resistant to learning. Getting information inside this guy’s head was almost impossible. Of course, he was also as stubborn as, well, a llama, so he insisted that she just had to teach him better.

“Pay attention, woman, to how my disciple handles a situation like this.” The Llama announced suddenly in the middle of a studying session. He got up and walked towards the cheerleader.

“Share your wisdom with me, oh Inspiring One.”

The cheerleader immediately broke into a school chant. On closer inspection, Siri couldn’t help but notice that the words were kind of different.

“Bones! Muscles! Skin! That’s where we’re in!
Neurons! Transmit! Info!
Gooooooo, Info!”

“Wait, you want me to do your anatomy lessons like this? Forget it, I’m not getting paid enough.”

“I do not wish for you to sing, if that is what you are worried about. It was merely meant as an illustration. An example for you to strife towards.”

The Llama turned around and left.

“I shall see that you are better instructed, Wise One.”

“Wait, we aren’t finished here yet! Come back!”

Shaking her head, Siri returned to her kitchen. Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her and a student wearing a blazer with a llama symbol walked towards her.

“Wait, how did you get in here? My door is locked!”

“Whence does the llama point?”

“What?” The guy didn’t smell like he was drunk, but he certainly seemed that way.

“Whence does the llama point?”

“What are you talking about?”

He let out an exasperated sigh. “Are you Siri Loner?”


“The Llama sends me. We shall see that you are instructed in what ways to best serve Him.”

Siri sighed. This job really wasn’t worth the trouble it got her into.

The weird llama guy drove her to a house where other people in weird llama outfits stood. Siri was handed a uniform and told to go change.

“Siri Loner!” Weird Llama Guy intoned as soon as she was done. “You have been chosen to instruct the Llama”

“the Llama” the crowd murmured.

“yet you do not know about Him. It is our duty, as His followers, to properly instruct you in the ways we worship the Llama.”

“the Llama.”

“You have entered a privileged position, Siri Loner. Our secret headquarters, which you must never reveal to any living soul, contains anything needed to make sure you will not get distracted in your quest to further the Llama’s”

“the Llama’s”

“eternal glory. Serve the Llama

“the Llama”

“and it will serve you.”

He lead Siri outside, shoving aside a puking member of the Llama Cult.

“There is only one thing you must know. Our one basic tenet. The rule we must all follow.

The Llama is Good.”

“The Cow is Evil.”

“Trust not the Cow.

Speak not to the Cow.

Befriend not the Cow.

Follow only the Llama.

The Llama is Good.

The Cow is Evil.”

‘Eh,’, thought Siri, ‘What the hell. It’s not as if this job can get any weirder.’

Praise the Llama! This is probably my favorite storyline during Gen 1, too bad it won't involve any plot sims.

Coming up next: A College Cow named Desiree

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