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Chapter 52. An Overcast Day
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”So, this is the place where we’ll write history”, Jasiri was the one who finally stated the obvious.

“It looks much better than what we were prepared for”. Torstein continued, expressing what everyone was feeling.

Alexander quickly summoned the situation in his head. The odds looked very much to be in his favor. They outnumbered Erik’s troops. In addition a considerable part of Erik’s troops were inexperienced farm boys who’s loyalty Erik obviously doubted as he’d put loyal archers behind them.

Erik had, however, placed his most loyal lords around himself.

”I hope that you’re prepared to meet the gods, because we’re sending you there”, Erik shouted over the field.
The smug smile on Erik’s face must be a false act. Alexander’s scouts and spies had obviously been right; King Knut had not yet sent an army to help his son in law.

”Fear not”, Alexander said to his men. “We all know that if you fight bravely and fall in battle the gods will welcome us to a better world. But I hope that you’re in no hurry to meet the gods because the odds are in our favor”.

The men and the few women in Alexander’s troops didn’t seem to need more encouragement. They slammed their swords against their shields and roared in response to show their eagerness.

The ravens that had followed them for some time now, shrieked in response to the roar. No matter how the battle ended, the ravens wouldn’t be disappointed today.

Next thing the inferno was over them. Shouts, the sound of metal meeting shields and soon enough also the smell of blood and the cries from the wounded or dying filled the air.

On Galaxy’s back Alexander plowed through the enemy troops, his sword falling merciless around him.

When the baggage trains reached the battle field both sides started to raise spiked barricades. Alexander found himself with loyal Jasiri on one side, spiked barricades behind him, and Erik’s men crowded in front of him and Jasiri aiming for the horses. Galaxy bravely did anything Alexander asked him to do but it was obvious that he would soon fall and Alexander with him. It was time to part and hope that Galaxy would be wise enough to look after himself.

Swiftly Alexander slipped down from Galaxy’s back to the ground, sword raised in hand. Jasiri followed Alexander’s example and back to back they fought against a wall of enemies.

“The gods are truly with us today” Jasiri hissed from the corner of his mouth as the enemies fell one by one for their swords.

Erik was always outside Alexander’s reach. Surrounded by loyal swordsmen he kept in the periphery of the battle. This could, however not last for very long. The enemy lines were thinning out and Erik couldn’t keep out of reach forever.

From the corner of his eye Alexander caught a glimpse of Sigrid. It made him happy to see that she had mad made it until now. Although it looked like she could do with some help, Alexander had his own business to finish first. He deflected a blow with his shield and with one swift strike his sword finished the fight and the enemy fell to never rise again.

Meanwhile Sigrid had apparently handled her own opponent who was now lying face down on the ground in a pool of blood. Their eyes met for a short moment but Sigrid’s brows raised, her face filled with fear and she shouted, “Behind you”.

Alexander looked up to see the sharp sword, missing his throat by an inch as he turned around. Automatically his fists clenched harder around the sword hilt. Before he had time to react the enemy sword fell to the ground together with the enemy.

Sigrid had seen the danger coming and with an almost superhuman speed she had reacted. The enemy, all focused on Alexander, had not seen Sigrid coming to Alexander’s rescue. It was not Sigrid who needed his help. Once again he was in her dept. He gave her a quick nod and she bowed back, even making time for a hint of a curtsey.

“Your majesty”, she said. “I think that we’re winning the battle”.

Alexander nodded and let his eyes rest on the enemy whose sword most likely would have sent him to the gods hadn’t it been for Sigrid. What he saw sent cold chills through his spine. This was not an unknown enemy without a name. It was Eskil, his cousin and Erik’s younger brother.

Before Alexander could gather himself the sky opened and a heavy rain started falling. There were shouts all over the field, some filled with fear, other with joy and hope. Alexander looked up. Dark clouds covered the sky completely hiding the sun, but the weather was not the reason for the shouts.

As if they had stepped out of a dark fairy tale, Dark elves invaded the battle field. On a black horse was an elf with a golden circlet around his forehead and a red dragon on his chest plate. This must be the legendary Dragon, the fairytale king of the dark elves and his army.

Alexander realized that he would meet the gods before the sun set. But before that he would fight like the gods had never seen anyone fighting before.

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