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The Pleasantview Diaries (5)
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Taa daa! Chapter 5, obviously. On this chapter I tried to do some writing and then take pictures that matched what I wrote. Usually I do the opposite, so let me know what you think! I love hearing feedback or messages of fandom so please feel free to comment. Don't forget to rate either!


Dina stood in the parlor of the Goth mansion, her new home. She looked around happily, admiring her work. The parade of hired interior designers, landscapers, and carpenters had finally left. Now she could enjoy the lavish furniture and expensive gadgets, almost all to herself.

Dina has successfully carried out her plan to find a new father for her son, Ricardo. Don Lothario was kicked to the curb as Dina forced Mortimer Goth to step up to the plate. He was easy to seduce; he was barely human anymore now that Bella was dead. Mortimer, a mindless zombie, married Dina. She became of the queen of the Goth castle, and finally, the Goth fortune. Her first attempt at marrying into money had failed. After bewitching Michael Bachelor, Bella Goth’s brother, she was devastated to find scarcely more than a dime for herself in his will. Michael Bachelor left his wife a poor widow.

As she cared for her toddler son, Dina couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt. Deep inside her conscience, she knew Ricardo was not the only reason for taking advantage of Mortimer. Greed consumed her; she felt the world owed her something. Her beauty was her only gift, enabling her to take what she wanted from men. Still, she tried telling herself it was all for the good of her son. Dina hoped the rest of the town would not see through to her money hungry ways.

The citizens of Pleasantview, however, knew Dina better than she knew herself. Cassandra had stormed in one day, fuming and yelling, after a teary phone conversation with Alexander about Dina’s mistreatment of baby Destiny. As enraged as a mother bear, Cassandra snatched up her younger siblings. She had some choice words for Dina, and resisted the urge to beat her to a pulp. Nobody stopped Cassandra’s rescue mission. Dina certainly did not want to care for her step children, and all Mortimer was good for was sitting in his chair like a lump, staring off into space.

Now that everything was completely settled, Dina only had to concentrate on raising Ricardo and her humble job as a law firm secretary. She was glad for the security of money, but wondered if “extra measures” should be taken to secure her inheritance. Mortimer was old, and sure to die soon due to his sedentary, depressed condition.

Perhaps if her new marriage was consummated, and a Caliente-Goth heir was born, Dina would not have to fear losing the money and mansion once Mortimer left their world.

Several months went by and it was time for Ricardo’s birthday. Dina wobbled into the dining room to help with the transition, her belly now swollen with Mortimer’s child. It did not take long for the candles’ flames to die and little Ricardo to spring into action as a child. The black haired boy admired his new, much larger hands while his mother lovingly smiled at her son.

While festivities were taking place indoors, Mortimer Goth stood listlessly outside next to a snowman. He stared off into the night sky, ignoring the cold and snow past his ankles.

He felt a dry, cold wind sweep through his bones. It howled through the trees and a deep voice suddenly boomed, “Mortimer Goth.” Mortimer’s mind snapped on after hearing the unfamiliar, rather threatening voice. He glanced over his shoulder and gasped when he saw he was not alone.


“Alright Letti, mommy is going to put you on this little potty. You have to sit here and...go potty. Capeesh? No more diapers or mommy is going to have an aneurysm.”

Nina Caliente struggled to communicate in a language most toddlers could understand. Luckily for her, Letti was an exceptionally bright child. She blinked discerningly at her mother and sat on the training toilet as instructed. Inevitably, she “went”. Motherhood was not Nina’s forte, although she tried her best and managed to raise Letti with a fair amount of success.

After some congratulatory clapping, Letti scurried away in her green bunny slippers, making a beeline for her wooden peg box toy. “Come back here! I have to wipe you!”, Nina bellowed as she plucked the protective liner from the little potty. “Eugh! Maybe diapers aren’t so bad after all.”

Although Letti kept Nina very busy, she found time to concentrate on her career, as well as satisfy her romantic tendencies. She wooed many men who shared her promiscuous ideals. Both parties aware the dates were merely for pleasure, and not a relationship. Nina made sure none of her endeavors resulted in another child.

As a toddler, Letti was too young to understand what her mother was up to. She often wandered into her mother’s bedroom, interrupting the fireworks.

It wasn’t until Letti grew into a child that she realized what went on far too often behind closed doors, and that none of her mother’s suitors were her father. Despite the pain and embarrassment it caused her daughter, Nina continued to bring men home.

It was a snowy Monday afternoon that brought Nina some peace and quiet. Letti was at school, and Nina had a spare moment to skim the morning paper. Nina’s eyes bulged when she caught a glimpse of the marriage announcement of Dina Caliente and Mortimer Goth. Although the sisters had once been very close, they had barely been speaking right before Dina moved out. Dina claimed she was going to get an apartment, explaining it was too painful to stay in the house. She thought it would be better that Ricardo and Letti not know their true origins and just how twisted their family was.

Angry and confused, Nina soon found herself with her plastic yellowy telephone in hand. She rapidly dialed her sister’s cell phone number, ready for an argument.

“Hey Dina.”
“Yeah it’s me.”
“I was just reading the paper and…I see you’ve gone and gotten married again…”
“Well of course I’m mad! You lied to me!”
“So what if we weren’t getting along?! Don’t pretend like this isn’t about money Dina. Letti and I love you! You were like another mother to her, and you left us for some old guy!”

“Oh please. You don’t love him. You love his money. You really make sick Dina, know that? I can’t believe you’d do this again!”
“You’re pregnant too?! You’ve got to be kidding me! You don’t deserve children, that house, or that money! You are a gold digger and everyone knows it!”
*Click* Dina hung up. She had heard quite enough out of her sister.

“Damn her!” Nina yelled into the phone and slammed it back on the receiver. Angry, Nina didn’t know what to do with herself. She stormed over to the newspaper on the couch, ripped it to shreds, and shoved it into the garbage can. Nina thought her sister was ruining her life, but she wasn’t okay with Dina taking people down with her. Despite that, she knew there was nothing she could do.


Don and Kaylynn Lothario’s marriage had been full of tension the last several months. After Kaylynn “mysteriously” came up pregnant, Don began to renounce his newly formed, positive opinions of marriage. He was angry at his wife, and not just for purposefully getting pregnant after they decided against it for the time being. Don was mad that Kaylynn outsmarted him; she worked his lustful ways to her advantage. He had never been one upped by any of his lovers, and his ego did not know how to handle such an event.

Don was bitter. He did not want to be a father by any means. He had planned to live his life as an untamed Casanova, sweeping women off their feet then throwing them in the dirt. Now not only was he a father of soon to be three, but a married man. He grew resentful of his wife, which resulted in him ignoring Kaylynn as much as possible.

Kaylynn was no dummy, and it didn’t take long for her happiness over the baby to be crushed by Don’s pessimism. She picked up on his cold attitude, his grumpy looks, and his lack of presence in their home. She worried for their marriage, and their baby.

Fed up with loneliness, Kaylynn decided to confront her immature husband. “Don. The baby is kicking. Do you want to feel?”
Don swayed from side to side, very much into his skiing computer game. “Kaylynn! I’m about to beat my high score! Why don’t you go clean something?” Suddenly, Don’s skier plummeted off the mountain. The high score was lost.

Don pounded his fist on the glass computer desk and stood up fiercely. Kaylynn jumped, wondering how he didn’t shatter the desk. Her heart began to pound.
“Dammit Kaylynn! Look what you did! Why won’t you just leave me alone?!”

Kaylynn’s pregnancy hormones got the best of her and she lost her cool. “Don’t talk to me like that! I am your wife! You never spend any time with me and you act like you don’t care about this baby!”

“Well I didn’t want this baby in the first place! You did! Not me! I didn’t ask for this, any of it! I want to leave!” Don felt a weight off his shoulders. Although the words were harsh, they were true. Don didn’t love his wife or any of his children. Don didn’t love anyone but himself.
Kaylynn was taken aback. Her lip quivered and tears welled up in her eyes. Her clenched fists dropped to sides as she looked down at her feet. “W-why did you marry me then? I…I thought you loved me.” Her voice trembled. She scampered upstairs to sob alone on their bed.

After their argument, Kaylynn left Don alone like he wished. She silently carried their baby, cooked, and cleaned like nothing had ever happened. Don was grateful, although still tried to spend as much time out of the house as he could. It was no surprise that when Kaylynn finally went into labor, Don was off at some other woman’s house fulfilling his romantic desires. Kaylynn gave birth to a little boy who she named Lorenzo, and instantly fell in love with the baby.

As a family sim, Kaylynn loved being a mother twice as much as she thought she would. She treasured every moment with the boy, knowing he may be her only child. Divorce was out of the question, and her relationship with Don was not improving.

Kaylynn’s maternity leave ended quickly, and the day came when she had to go back to work. She climbed in the police car with a heavy heart, wondering how she would manage the day away from Lorenzo and how much longer she could sit by and watch her husband’s affairs.

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